Press Quotes
“ … a tour-de-force of the highest order … I doubt there is another singer in Canada who ... can for so long grip our attention in a chemical-like bond as Jackson does ...”
(About her solo show “Wolf Moon”) The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“[Berio’s] music still sets the standard for extended vocal techniques but younger singers such as Janice Jackson can meet that standard proudly.” William Littler, Toronto Star
“Jackson is a gift from the God’s for composers straining to throw off the chains of art song.”
The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“Jackson is a no-holds-barred, no-quarter-given performer with a gift for dramatic exaggeration that compels an audience’s attention from the first note to the last.”The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“Jackson has daring and an exceptional talent. Janice Jackson is world class.”
Brabants Dagblad, Netherlands
“Her performances bring out the beauty of contemporary vocal repertoire.”
Music Weekly, Beijing, China
“Jackson's vocal versatility and virtuosity, her precisely focused sense of pitch and her intensely creative commitment to new music make her a real find.” The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“...a crystal-cracking voice of astonishing purity.” The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“Her vocal power and range of material engage all of you: your senses, emotions, wit, intellect, goose bumps and especially your soul.” The Daily News, Halifax
"Music can move you. Listening to the singing of Janice Jackson brought a deep sadness to my soul …sadness that perhaps had to do with the realization that such an intense experience of music seldom happens." De Limburger, Netherlands
"On Saturday night, the best performance was given by soprano Janice Jackson. She sang a beautiful performance of Luciano Berio's Sequenza III, but the high point was the Debussian Michelle by L. Andriessen." Het Parool, Netherlands